Research & Development

Meeting international standards in the ceramic industry can be a cumbersome task if not properly planned. Securing third-party approvals might inadvertently delay product launch plans and increase overhead costs. With a well equipped in-house lab, product adjustments can be done in a jiffy according to standards.

The R & D facility has the best setup for conducting rigorous testing on its products to meet international standards and certification requirements. The R & D facility provides immense benefits in terms of improved economies of scale, quick identification of product flaws, and quicker lead time to market with modified or new products. The lab is well equipped with several testing instruments and apparatus managed with assured and comprehensive quality control.

Our Research & Development approach is also based on mutually-beneficial customer partnerships, which combined with our unique knowledge of mineral technology, enables us to provide improved formulations and genuine product consistency for our customers in our markets.

ED-XRF SPECTROMETER : Boasts of highly accurate measurements, and safe and suitable sample preparation; perfect for qualitative and quantitative analysis due to its wide dynamic concentration range and support for wide range of elements.

PARTICLE SIZE ANALYZER : Reliable solution to routine particle sizing needs of the industry with full automation features and software-driven control and data management.

DILATOMETER : Perfect determination tool for material behavior against temperature to predict the controlling process parameters.

COLOR SPECTROMETER : Comprehensive and portable data recording instrument which is used to control the color difference in tiles.

AUTOMATIC PRESS : Prototype of SACMI press which can generate similar production data by controlling specific pressure.

MODULOUS OF RUPTURE EQUIPMENT : Automatic data-controlled computer of modulous of rupture for different types of tiles by simulating the load-bearing capacity, breaking strength and modulous of elasticity.

WATER ABSORPTION EQUIPMENT : Consists of vacuum method equipment which defines precise water absorption characteristics of tiles.

MERCURY DENSITIMETER : Perfect apparent density measuring tool for predicting the thermal history of the product. GRADIENT KILN : Six electrically heated chambers to generate thermal properties at six different temperatures controlled by a computer program.

SLIP RESISTENCE : Antislip property of tile surface, more practically determined by popular German method "RAMP TEST" as per DIN - 51130 & denoted as R10, R11-R12-R13.

ROLLER KILN : A prototype of Production Kiln help to guide to understand the thermal characteristics of raw materials & composites more precisely and helps to investigate Ceramic Research Elaborately.

Antique Porcelano

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Antique Porcelano

Vasant Patel

+91 97269 21792
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